You can find much information about me both here, on LinkedIn, as well as on Discord. I am always free to answer questions, whether they be personal or professional in nature!

DevOps Engineer & Containerized Enthusiast
Great solutions are created when minds are allowed to flourish.
With a passion for technology and a penchant for the best solution, I encompass many tools in my trade to sort out the most feasable and quickest implementation. I am here to make your work easier, not harder!
No engineer is complete without a set of highly refined and specialized skills to perform their job functions!
I am a seasoned developer engineer with a focus to find quick, fast, and effective solutions for anyone whom I am working for.
David James Howell
Well respected and seasoned developer engineer (devops) who strives for the best solutions for the right job.
- Mesa, AZ
- (480) 382-4004
- [email protected]
Bachelors of Science - Computer Information Systems (Security Specialty)
2011 - 2014
DeVry University - Mesa, AZ
Professional Experience
Devops Engineer - Cloud
May 2019 - Present
Early Warning, Scottsdale, AZ
- Terraform related activites.
Devops Engineer
Nov. 2016 - Jan. 2019
Brightcove, Scottsdale, AZ
- Responsible for managing test and production AWS environments and accompanying automation
- Identifies opportunities to improve application performance and resiliency by implementing architectural changes and better utilizing AWS
- Seeks to create reproducible environments using industry standard tools for infrastructure automation, configuration management, and containerization
- Works closely with developers to identify and implement changes to infrastructure, configuration, and deployment pipelines
Tier 2 Development Engineer
Jun. 2014 - Nov. 2016
Brightcove, Tempe, AZ
- Received incoming customer requests for low level technical support and triage issues appropriately
- Identify and isolate customer issues on a technical plane utilizing resources spanning from code fixes to replicating issues consistently
- Communicate with distributed team for knowledge sharing on complex cases
- Improved manual process into semi-automated improving in queue time from 30 minutes to 5 minutes per task saving 50+ man hours each month.
My services tend to revolve around technology and integrations. However, my wide ranging skills can make me practical for any usages.
DevOps Work
I can do top down developer operations work ranging from pipelines to full container orchestration.
Cloud Work
With a familiarity with both AWS and GCP, I can work with you to migrate workloads and plan cloud strategies.
General Tech Assistance
Need some other work not covered by the above? No worries, I can definitely help or refer you to someone even more suited for the task!
Personal Blog
My personal blog contains not only tech related topics, tricks, and pitfalls I have found but also general life advice!
Please visit the blog at DavidJamesHowell.com